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    How to clean pee off furniture and carpets

    Let the dust fall naturally. Instead of vacuuming, turn the rug over and walk on it to allow gravity to naturally pull the dust down to the floor. Leave it like this for 2-3 days and use wedges to lift the carpet and separate the wool from the floor. 🧼 Marseille soap and wool product. […] More

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    Clean your stove vents

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    There’s nothing like seeing the transformation of a dirty greasy stove after a thorough cleaning. I discovered a great and simple cleaning method that I would like to share with you. I first discovered this technique on Jillee’s One Good Thing blog, and it’s been a game-changer ever since. Let’s take a look at the […] More

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    How to remove hard water stains from the toilet

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    *What’s needed : White vinegar for cleaning (this alcohol vinegar is a little more acidic than normal vinegar and more effective) Toilet paper A toilet brush *How to remove hard water stains in the toilet? 1) Remove as much water as possible from the bottom of the toilet. 2) Replace this water with vinegar, letting […] More

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    How to Clean a Front Loading Washing Machine

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    It’s a little strange when you first realize it, but the scrubbers also need to be cleaned. Over time, this type of appliance inevitably gets dirty and one begins to wonder how to get rid of the unpleasant smell of the dishwasher or how to clean the washing machine, among other things. It’s mostly a […] More

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    How to Clean a Glass Stove in Minutes

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    I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not a big fan of my glass hob. I look forward to the day when I can upgrade to a chef’s kitchen with a gas stove. Until this dream comes true, I’m stuck with the difficult task of cleaning this glass burner, a task I’ve been doing […] More

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    Sprinkle the whole house with salt, that’s why it’s so amazing

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    People used their household salt for purification purposes, and it was not recycled for many years Salt Prevents Ant Infestation: Any herbal method can rely on salt to keep ants away from doors, windows, and garage cabinets. Sprinkle some salt on the windows of the house and the various places that ants use to enter […] More

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    “I saw this little door from my neighbor. I’m confused. Why this?

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    If you’ve ever explored an old house built before 1950, you’ve probably come across a small closet door. This gate has been  source curiosity and speculation about many owners and history buffs.what were they for Why was it embedded in the walls? In this article we will uncover the truth behind these mysterious little doors […] More

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    Solved What are those little black bugs near the window?


    Dealing with tiny black bugs near your windows can be an unwelcome experience, especially with the changing seasons. To solve this problem, it is necessary to determine the type of insects you are dealing with and take appropriate measures to get rid of them. Here is a comprehensive guide to understanding these little black bugs […] More

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    Say Goodbye to Popcorn Ceiling: Step-by-Step Removal Guide

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    In the mid-20th century, popcorn ceilings were popular, especially in bedrooms. This coarse, corrugated fabric was used extensively in new homes from the 1950s through the 1980s for its unique sound-insulating abilities and knack for masking ceiling imperfections.   However, these textured ceilings can make a room dark due to their lack of light reflection and […] More

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